This assignment has two parts. The first will help you set up your computer with all of the software you need for this course. After completing this part of the assignment, you will have Python 2.7 and Pycharm installed and ready for use.
I estimate this should take 30 minutes or less.
The second part will acquaint you with the syntax of python at a high level. I estimate this will take one hour at most.
It's important that you download Python 2.7, not Python 3.5.
This step also installs Pip.
Pycharm community edition is free and has a few features that make python development easier.
This example project will check that you've installed and configured everything correctly.
Once you've installed everything, open pycharm. In the menu that appears, select open.
Open the example project
In the left side-bar, double-click
Go to the menu bar and, from Run, select Run…
In the window that comes up, select test.
Two things should happen: a triangle icon (play button) will turn green in the top right corner of the text window, and a box will appear on the bottom of the window.
The box on the bottom of the window will contain instructions. Follow those instructions, and you will be done with the assignment.
Complete parts 1-7 of the interactive tutorial on Python on Codecademy.
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