Word Frequency

One of the simple tasks at which computers excel is counting things. Computers can count faster and with higher accuracy than humans. In this assignment, you will be building a program that counts the occurrences of words in a string, and then prints out the quantities after all of the words have been counted.

Getting Started

Download the project starting point

Open the project in PyCharm. You will be making modifications to word_counter.py

There are two functions in word_counter.py:

count_words(text) and print_counted_words(counted_words)

count_words(text) takes a string and should return a dictionary mapping words to their frequency.

print_counted_words(counted_words) should print out each word and its quantity.

Your assignment is to fill in the body of these two functions so that they do their jobs correctly.

When you're getting started, you might need to set up a new run configuration. This is the same as what we did in the first assignment. Make sure to select the file wordfreq.py when you set up the run configuration.

Submitting your Work

Please email your modified version of word_counter.py to arthurberman94+exp@gmail.com